Introduction ============ *Hermipy* is a *Python* library for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) using the Hermite Galerking method. The choice of the *Python* language was motivated by the following reasons: - *Software freedom*: The reference implementation of *Python* is open source, with the important practical implication that the ability to run a *Python* program distributed under a free licence is not dependent upon the continual existence of a third-party organization. - *Ecosystem*: There exist a number of mature *Python* libraries for computational mathematics, such as NumPy_, SciPy_ and SymPy_, which make the *Python* language particularly well-suited for the development of mathematical software. More recently, some work has also been invested in the development of the Numba_ library, which brings just-in-time (JIT) compilation to *Python*. - *Extensibility*: It is possible to write *C* or *C++* extensions for *Python*, which can be used to improve the efficiency of a *Python* program when appropriate. With `Boost.Python`_ and its recent NumPy extension, the exchange of data between *Python* and *C++* or *C* is relatively straightforward and efficient. When the development of *Hermipy* started, the only *Python* library known to the author for automating spectral methods in *Python* was shenfun_, which exposes an interface similar to that of FEniCS_, a collection of free software components that enables automating the finite element method. The focus of shenfun_ is on solving PDEs in bounded boxes, by means of tensor products of Fourier, Chebyshev or Legendre bases. In contrast, *Hermipy* aims at providing the tools for automating spectral methods in unbounded domains, using bases of Hermite polynomials or Hermite functions. .. _NumPy: .. _SciPy: .. _SymPy: .. _Numba: .. _FEniCS: .. _shenfun: .. _Boost.Python: